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【转录激活域】的繁体字: 轉錄激活域

【转录激活域】的读音为 zhuǎn lù jī huó yù,无声调拼音为 zhuan lu ji huo yu,简拼为 ZLJHY


【分字繁体字】转的繁体字 录的繁体字 激的繁体字 活的繁体字 域的繁体字


Most activators have one of these domains. Some have more than one. Most of transcription-activating domains fall into three classes: Acidic domains, such as yeast GAL4 with 11 acidic amino acids out of 49 amino acids in the domain. Glutamine-rich domains, include Sp1 having 2 such domains that are ...
