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【女孩摇滚之路】的繁体字: 女孩搖滾之路

【女孩摇滚之路】的读音为 nǚ hái yáo gǔn zhī lù,无声调拼音为 nv hai yao gun zhi lu,简拼为 NHYGZL


【分字繁体字】女的繁体字 孩的繁体字 摇的繁体字 滚的繁体字 之的繁体字 路的繁体字


"The Rock 'n' Roll Camp for Girls is a place where 8-18 year olds come from all over the country to learn Rock DIY-style--forming bands, writing songs and building community, and “Girls Rock!” is the movie about their journey.
