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【九只狗的圣诞】的繁体字: 九只狗的聖誕

【九只狗的圣诞】的读音为 jiǔ zhǐ gǒu de shèng dàn,无声调拼音为 jiu zhi gou de sheng dan,简拼为 JZGDSD


【分字繁体字】九的繁体字 只的繁体字 狗的繁体字 的的繁体字 圣的繁体字 诞的繁体字


It's two days before Christmas, and Santa's reindeerhave come down with the North Pole flu. Nearsightedelf leader Buzz thinks he's found the perfectreplacements, but the makeshift reindeer turn out tobe nine stray dogs in an old beat-up wagon! Will thisragged band of canines be up to the...
